The Beginning

What happens when a developer spends too much of his/her life developing software for insurance companies, banks and financial institutions? Besides having a nervous breakdown or two, he/she begins to question where they went wrong in life. That is the case for me, at least. I have a passion for storytelling and imagining new worlds. Why am I writing banking software?

That's when I started looking for alternative career directions. Gaming caught my eye, which is why I would spend the next few years playing around with Unity3D to see if there was a home for me, there. I used to be a hardcore gamer when I was younger, but I can't call myself a gamer now. Does that mean I'm not qualified for this path?

These are questions that have filled my head with doubt and inhibitions for doing something that I'm passionate about. It wasn't until I discovered a library of polygonal 3D models by a little company named Synty, when I began to realize where I was headed with this whole thing. Synty makes 3D model assets packs for game developers and storytellers. It's hard not to fall in love with this company. They do one thing and they do it so very well. They make beautifully crafted 3D polygonal models that you can create worlds with. But the only caveat is, you have to know how to create worlds in the first place. Game development is a pretty steep learning curve and I've been inspired to help bridge that gap for people. Here's how I plan to help.

You see, I've developed a passion for procedural generation. That is, writing code that will generate worlds instead of having to create them by hand. My dream became this. What if you could create software that create a new world every single time you visited it? What if you could create infinite virtual worlds that were all different? What if I could enjoy exploring a world I created just as much as anyone else?

So, yeah. I'm hooked. I'm on a path to becoming a master of procedural generation. I've been a developer since the late 90's. I should be able handle this. Right? Ahem.. *cough* *cough*.

Regardless, here I am, at the beginning of a journey that I'm SUPER excited about. The end goal is to produce tools for Unity and Godot that can generate environments like these that are different every time. I'm in love with Synty models, so I am going to focus on designing exclusively for them, at least for now. Anything I can do to increase the value of this product line is a win for me. I hope they continue to wow us with more packs for years to come.

Okay, enough butt-kissing. It's time to get to work on learning how to do this. I have some Unity skills, but I've never done any procedural generation before, so let the party begin.

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